Here’s what to know about rising signs, how to find yours, plus what each of the 12 signs says about your personality and the way you are perceived. Where your sun sign relates to the position of the sun relative to the astrological year (i.e., Libra season or Taurus season), your rising sign relates to the position of the sun relative to the time of day. (The sun travels through each sign every day.) “If people always peg you for a sign other than your own, don’t be surprised to discover that it’s actually your rising sign,” the twins say. Your rising sign also determines where your first house of identity falls in your chart (your ascendant is always your first house), which sets the stage for the rest of the houses in your chart. As the twins explain, “The zodiac wheel begins with the first house, which represents where the sun was rising over the eastern horizon at your moment of birth and governs the self, the identity, and your first impression. The houses then move counterclockwise around the zodiacal wheel and ripple out to broader themes of family/home life, society, and beyond.” Without knowing your rising sign, then, the rest of your birth chart will ultimately remain a mystery because houses in astrology are just as important as the planets and signs when it comes to fully understanding chart placements and aspects. Once you know what time you were born, you input your birth date, birth time, and birth location into a chart calculator (such as the twins’), and your rising sign will be revealed. Don’t know what time you were born? Double-check your birth certificate, and if you don’t know where yours is or your birth time isn’t listed, the twins suggest writing to the Office of Vital Records in your birth state for a copy (if you’re in the U.S., that is). Now without further ado, here’s what to know about every rising sign. As an Aries rising, people likely see you as excitable, fun, brave, and even a bit reckless. You can even come off as intimidating or immature, as you may have somewhat of a “my-way-or-the-highway” attitude about you. And in terms of your appearance, Aries risings are known to have athletic builds, childlike faces, square jaws, and distinct facial features. With Venus as your chart ruler, it’s likely you may be very attractive to others, with Taurus risings often having dark features and thick and/or curly hair. And that beauty translates to the things you like as well, whether it’s interior design, food, clothing, or anything earthly and material. Overall, Taurus risings come off as solid and dependable. This sign is also symbolized by the twins, representing Gemini’s dual nature, which allows them to be adaptable and ever-changing, but this can sometimes come off as fickle, flighty, or two-faced to people who don’t get it. You can spot a Gemini rising by their expressive, animated communication style, along with their face shape, which is typically elongated. A cardinal sign symbolized by the crab, Cancer risings often give off a very nurturing vibe. Some even say Cancer is the “mother sign” of the zodiac, and you may find this in their sensitive dispositions. Their faces often even mimic these sensitivities, through round, soft, and somehow comforting features. But don’t be fooled, Cancer risings also have the capacity to get in your head because they’re so sensitive to others’ emotions. This sign is symbolized by the lion, after all—the king of the jungle! And that’s exactly the kind of attitude you can expect from a Leo rising. The lionlike qualities can translate to appearance as well, whether it’s a thick mane of hair or a generally regal appearance. To others, they might seem particularly organized, and even critical—but it’s always because Virgo energy just wants to make things the best they can be. Not everyone will appreciate a Virgo rising’s eye for improvement, but you can be sure this placement only really wants to help. And as far as what they look like, they may opt for an intellectual, almost preppy look, and often have subtle and soft features. Libra risings are also known for being graceful, flirtatious, and even indecisive (thanks to all that air). People often find them charming, friendly, and easy to get along with, and just like Taurus, the Venusian energy of Libra makes Libra risings particularly tasteful in terms of their style, hair, décor, makeup, etc. While they can be difficult to open up, once they do, Scorpio risings are committed, loyal, and sensitive to others’ emotions. They may come off as too intense to the wrong person; meanwhile, others will be inexplicably attracted to their brooding energy. And if you want to spot one, look for dark features, a serious expression, and the telltale, piercing Scorpio stare. In terms of their appearance, Sag risings can be spotted by their open, expressive faces, inviting smiles, and optimistic attitude. They’ll probably also be game to change plans or switch gears at the drop of a hat, and have a lot of energy for various activities. And because their chart ruler is the planet of luck—you guessed it—Sag risings are a lucky bunch. While having a Capricorn rising isn’t the easiest placement, it makes for an incredibly strong and solid person who likely comes off as responsible, mature, and intelligent. While they may push themselves (and potentially others) really hard on the road to success, it’s because they know how to get there. Capricorn risings often have small but defined facial features and are known to have dark, straight hair. When you meet an Aquarius rising, they may seem a bit cold, aloof, and even neurotic on the surface, but crack them open a bit and you’ll find they’re actually deeply concerned with humanity, very intelligent, and simply revel in their uniqueness. Along with having an eccentric sense of style, they’re also known to have relatively larger foreheads and eyes. This is a sign symbolized by fish, which notably have no protection (unlike Cancer’s crab or Scorpio’s scorpion), which is a good metaphor to explain the way Pisces risings swim in their emotional depths with no safety net. This makes them very compassionate, but sometimes too much compassion can leave them vulnerable. Spot them by looking for soulful, round eyes, a graceful demeanor, and an overall ethereal vibe.

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