While some stress factors are outside of our control, others are fostered internally as a result of our own thinking and behavioral patterns. As individuals, we have minimal influence on the downturns of the economy, pandemic, or bad weather, but there are other sources of stress in our lives that are more under our control. The Enneagram can help raise our awareness of which areas we ought to focus our attention on relieving avoidable stress. Here are the types: To cope with this type of stress, Ones need to prove to themselves that the sky does not come down crashing if they misspelled a word on their social media or take time for themselves to rest amid everything they’re fighting for. Ones need to rewire the critic to become an encouraging influence by recognizing and replacing chastising moments with seeing a positive aspect of the same action. Try a self-love practice to help build a different relationship with your inner critic. Learning to say no and express what you want in a direct way can help Twos to preserve their vital resources. To make it practical, write a self-care plan with exact details, and communicate to people that you are not available while you are looking after yourself. This idea may feel a little foreign and selfish at first but will eventually become a new healthy habit. Threes need to recognize their inherent value and remove reliance on others for approval. Finding the internal flow of emotional energy will help this type to focus on what is important to them as an individual rather than what’s important to other people in their life. This will allow Threes to be authentic in their actions and reconnect with their inner core. The Achiever type will benefit from practicing meditation as a tool to tune into the emotions and feelings, as well as stepping outside of the never-ending hamster wheel of action. The truth is that we have a part of each Enneagram type personality in us. An ability to recognize yourself in others will create a sense of unity. Encourage yourself to leave the house and practice observing sameness in others. Connect with others using the similarities in any shape or form—music preferences, way of speaking, or favorite clothing brand. By making these little steps toward breaking out of the shell, Fours will see that we are not that different after all. The solution for Fives is to recognize when they need to recharge their batteries and take time to reflect on external events. In the long term, this type needs to learn from their feelings rather than factual information. Fives should spend some more time on their own to become familiar with their emotions. While preparing for the situation is useful, it has to be coupled with a mantra: I will do my best to prepare, and the rest is up to the universe. In other words, Sixes need to define their readiness criteria so it does not become a moving target; otherwise, it will lead to exhaustion. This type will also benefit from a circle of trusted friends who can ground and reassure them in challenging moments. A solution for Sevens is to focus on just two to three projects at a time. Investing in daily routines will help with completing tasks on time when initial motivation runs out. Finding strength in becoming vulnerable is a slow process, but it will pay off in all areas of this type’s life. Start small by showing vulnerability in a safe environment and schedule self-care activities. Remember that even the most powerful machinery needs pit stops to refuel. A Nine’s stress is triggered when they are pushed into a corner by someone asking to make a decision or take an action. Nines can alleviate the stress by asking the requester to limit their decision selection to a small number of choices and working on strategies to alleviate their indecisiveness. Stress is a normal part of life that can be managed as long as we are adequately skilled to deal with it. Understanding your type will help with building resilience and overcoming your personality’s challenges.

What Causes Stress  Based On Your Enneagram Type - 68What Causes Stress  Based On Your Enneagram Type - 13What Causes Stress  Based On Your Enneagram Type - 23What Causes Stress  Based On Your Enneagram Type - 93